COVID-19 Servicing Update for FHLBank Chicago MPF Traditional (Conventional) Loans
For mortgage loans actively performing on a COVID-19 related forbearance plan as of March 25, 2021 that are nearing the cumulative forbearance plan term of 18 months, where the Borrower’s hardship has not been resolved and Qualified Right Party Contact (QRPC) has been achieved, the servicer may request approval for extensions of the forbearance plan term in increments of up to three months, not to exceed accumulative total forbearance period of 21 months (calculated from the initial granting of the forbearance plan), if permitted by law. Servicers must submit to through eMAQCS+:
- Copy of the proposed forbearance plan
- Borrower Hardship Certification (Form SG402)
- Workout Worksheet (Form SG354)
MPF Default Management will notify servicers once the forbearance exception has been approved.
Loans Other Than MPF Traditional (Conventional)
MPF Government loans and MPF Government MBS loans must follow relief policies and guidance issued by the applicable Government Agencies. MPF Xtra® loans must follow relief policies and guidance issued by Fannie Mae.
Please reach out to your Sales Director with any questions.