Federal Home Loan Banks Publish 2023 Impact Report
Today, the Council of Federal Home Loan Banks, the public voice of the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBank System), released the 2023 Impact Report, which details the ways in which the FHLBank System delivers measurable and sustainable impact for communities and individuals across the country.
The 2023 Impact Report includes key data points representing FHLBank System activity throughout the year, including the total number of housing units and families assisted through Affordable Housing Program (AHP) contributions, the total dollar volume of System contributions to voluntary programs aimed at affordable housing and community development, and the FHLBank System’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The report also contains more than 50 case studies and brief testimonials reflecting the positive impact of FHLBank liquidity and other services for families and local communities.
To read the full report, visit the FHLBank Council website.